
Each development department under R&D center carries out division of labor finely and adopts advanced product data management system (PLM, ERP, CRM, SRM, MES system) to develop products together. The product department is mainly responsible for new technology innovation and application, new product planning, product certification and product patent management; The main research and development direction of the electrical department covers the development of intelligent interactive flat-panel motherboard, single screen display motherboard, splicing unit motherboard, commercial TV motherboard, digital sign motherboard, E-sports display motherboard and whole machine hardware system; The work content of the touch department includes touch hardware development, touch algorithm, driver and protocol development; The structure department mainly focuses on the structure and optical development of screen module and the structural design of the whole machine; The software department develops the application architecture and software, image recognition and sound processing algorithms, peripheral driver development, middleware SDK development, customized application software development, customized UI development, Linux underlying software development and other consumer products on the hardware platform of electrical development; The testing department is responsible for hardware design verification, software function test, structure and optics and audio test.. As one of the earliest flat panel display R&D enterprises in China, KTC identifies the trend of technology development, and makes adjustment in R&D direction positively. Further, we build up close technical cooperation and joint development team with many global IC design corporations, like Mstar, Realtek, MPS, MTK, ST, T1, NXP, and ROCKCHIP etc., providing our flat panel display terminal products with technical solutions in the field of audio/video and power supply.